Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: south carolina baptist convention

Found 13 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 1 of 2 total pages.

  • South Carolina Baptists give every inmate a gift

  • S.C. convention elects first African American president

  • S.C. Baptists build Gospel bridges spanning barriers

  • At Mother Emanuel, S.C. Baptists seek racial unity

  • 400 S.C. Baptists 'Unite' for citywide evangelism

  • S.C. Baptists urged to 'launch out' with Gospel

  • Gary Hollingsworth elected exec. director in S.C.

  • S.C. Baptists tap reserves to send $1M gift to IMB

  • Personal evangelism S.C. Baptists' focus

  • God’s faithfulness amid flood draws praise in S.C.